Dental Emergencies - Woodbridge, VA

Emergency Dentist Woodbridge, VA

Are you dealing with a dental emergency in Woodbridge? April Toyer, DDS is an experienced emergency dentist in Woodbridge, VA. Dr. Toyer and the rest of our highly skilled team at Lifetime Dental Care, PLLC, in Woodbridge, Virginia, provides emergency dentistry for their pediatric and adult patients; this includes an emergency phone line to answer your urgent dental questions. We understand that a dental emergency happens from time to time. For emergency dentistry, call the office or dedicated emergency line. Online booking is available for non-urgent matters. 

What is emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry manages and treats unexpected dental injuries and conditions. 

Lifetime Dental Care, PLLC, provides emergency dentistry, as well as guidance for when you need to go to the emergency room for care. 

When do I need emergency dentistry?

 Several injuries and conditions affecting the teeth or mouth can benefit from emergency dentistry. The team at Lifetime Dental Care, PLLC, considers the following issues a dental emergency:

  • An accident that loosens or knocks out a tooth
  • Cracked or broken tooth
  • Spontaneous pain that is now associated with chewing
  • Oral pain that lasts several hours
  • Facial swelling

Not all dental emergencies need immediate care. In most cases, the team can care for your urgent dental problem during regular business hours.

What can I do to manage my dental emergency at home?

 How you manage your dental emergency at home depends on the dental problem. The team provides specific instructions when you call the emergency line. 

  • Knocked-out tooth

If you have a knocked-out tooth, the team recommends you place the tooth back in the socket (if possible), being careful not to touch the tooth root. Or, you can place the tooth in a sealable container filled with milk. 

  • Cracked tooth

When you have a cracked tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water and use a cold compress to manage any swelling.

  • Toothache

For a toothache, the team recommends rinsing the mouth with warm water and flossing between your teeth to remove any food or debris.

  • Soft tissue injury

A cut on the lip or tongue is a soft tissue injury. For this type of dental condition, clean the wound with warm water and use a cold compress to stop any bleeding.

When should I call the emergency dentistry line?

The Lifetime Dental Care, PLLC, team recommends you call their emergency dentistry line if you’re a patient of record and have a dental emergency.

The team collects information over the phone and provides guidance on how to take care of your dental condition at home. They may also call in a prescription, such as an antibiotic, to your pharmacy.

The Lifetime Dental Care, PLLC, team may recommend you go to the emergency room if you have a head injury, excessive bleeding, severe facial swelling, or a full-rooted knocked-out tooth.

For prompt emergency dentistry services, call Lifetime Dental Care, PLLC. You can schedule non-urgent appointments online. 

Contact Our Woodbridge Emergency Dentist

Our dental team sets aside special time for emergency patients so we can get you in as quickly as possible. Contact us now so we can book the earliest possible appointment for you. We are your Woodbridge emergency dentist, and we are here for you!

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