
How to Set Up the Perfect Oral Health Care Routine for Your Kids

May 02, 2024

How to Set Up the Perfect Oral Health Care Routine for Your Kids

If wishing made it so, kids would come into the world with oral hygiene habits downloaded into their DNA. 

Alas, it’s up to parents and caregivers to show them the way. 

Establishing new routines and habits in your family can be daunting, but when you team up with our expert dentists at Lifetime Dental Care in Woodbridge, Virginia, you start off ahead of the curve. 

Here’s some expert insight on making your house a bastion of basic oral health care. 

Why oral hygiene matters for kids

Many parents wonder why they should go the extra mile (and sometimes wage war) to get their kids to brush and floss when their first set of teeth will only fall out. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half of children aged 6 to 8 have had a cavity in at least one of their baby teeth. But it doesn’t stop once their final set of teeth comes in: Over half of adolescents aged 12 to 19 have had a cavity in at least one of their permanent teeth. 

Cavities are always a threat, regardless of age. So, we recommend starting as soon as possible and establishing healthy habits that will stick with your children into adulthood. Here’s how to get started. 

Make it fun

Kids often approach oral hygiene with the same enthusiasm they greet a plate of vegetables. It’s just another thing the adult in their life is telling them to do. So, why not make it fun?

Kids’ toothbrushes and toothpaste come in a variety of flavors and colors; many have their favorite cartoon characters on them. Give them some choice in the matter, and let them pick out their favorite brush-and-paste combo. 

You might even consider picking out a few different options since you’ll replace their toothbrush every three to four months. 

It doesn’t hurt to turn on some music or their favorite videos to help them associate oral hygiene with something fun or even relaxing. 

Make it game

A handful of apps make brushing teeth a fun, interactive game. Don’t have a smart device? Make your own version and turn daily brushing and flossing into a lighthearted family competition. 

Don’t be afraid to offer age-appropriate awards. Something simple like stickers to track their progress, a few extra minutes of playtime before bed, or a bin of cheap toys will do the trick. 

Be their role model

Your kids get everything from you, especially your habits. Make sure you’re setting a good example by brushing twice a day and flossing at least once. If your kids like to brush their teeth with you, you may throw in an extra session. 

Check out some literature

Your local library should have children’s books on brushing to help your kids understand the ins and outs of oral hygiene. Some address fears associated with oral hygiene and visits to the dentist. 

Bonus: You’ll be feeding your kid’s love for reading at the same time. 

Getting your kid on board with taking care of their oral health doesn’t have to be a tooth-and-nail fight. Call our office at 703-499-9779 or use our online booking tool to talk with a pediatric dentistry expert today.