4 Encouraging Facts About Dental AnxietyFeb 11, 2025Are you afraid of the dentist? Don’t worry — you’re not doomed to a life of DIY dentistry. Here are some encouraging facts about dental anxiety and a closer look at how our team of compassionate experts can help you overcome it. Continue reading →
How to Floss Your Way to Healthier GumsJan 09, 2025You might think you’ve mastered your oral health routine, but if you’re not flossing (or not flossing correctly), you’re missing a huge piece of the equation. Hear from our dentist on best flossing practices. Continue reading →
Bad Habits That Harm Your Child’s TeethDec 16, 2024 You might think your child’s oral health is taken care of, but bad habits can cause serious damage — sometimes without our realizing it. Here’s a closer look at a few of the bad habits that cause the most harm to your child’s oral health. Continue reading →
Is Invisalign® Right for My Teen?Nov 11, 2024Fixing your teen’s smile doesn’t have to be a fight. Let’s find out if they’re a candidate for Invisalign® — the faster, more comfortable, and more discreet path to a healthier, straighter smile. Continue reading →
10 Things Every New Parent Should Know About Their Baby's TeethOct 15, 2024There’s so much to learn when you have kids, like what to do when their first teeth start coming in. Relax. With this handy guide, you’ll be prepared to handle all of their dental firsts. Continue reading →
What to Look for as Your Child's Adult Teeth Come InSep 23, 2024Growing up, your child will go through many milestones — first steps, first words, first day of school — and the arrival of adult teeth, a big one. Hopefully all will go well, but just in case, here’s how to spot signs of trouble.Continue reading →
Help Your Active Teen Keep Their Teeth SafeAug 12, 2024Sports injuries — especially those involving the mouth — are often a matter of when, not if. We want to work with you and your young athlete to keep their teeth as safe as possible this season.Continue reading →
Our Favorite Teething Tricks to Help Your ToddlerJul 24, 2024Stop getting teething advice from friends and family and take your cues straight from the experts. Here, our pediatric dentists weigh in with their favorite tips and tricks to help your toddler (and you) get through the worst of teething. Continue reading →
9 Horrible Habits That Harm Your TeethJun 07, 2024You know the habits that keep your teeth healthy, but do you know which are actually ruining them? Join us as we uncover some of the sneaky ways your lifestyle may be wrecking your smile. Continue reading →
How to Set Up the Perfect Oral Health Care Routine for Your KidsMay 02, 2024We understand picking your battles with your kids, but their oral health is one of those parenting hills you should die on — and we’ve got your back. Here’s some expert advice on setting your kids up for oral health success. Continue reading →
Is Dental Fear Real?Apr 02, 2024You’ve gotten over the boogie man, and you can make it through the night without a night light — so why are you still so scared of the dentist? Dental fear is a real issue that affects many people, and our experts are here to help you get a handle on it. Continue reading →
How Old Is Too Old to Have Wisdom Teeth Removed?Mar 02, 2024Did your childhood dentist tell you to hold off on wisdom tooth extraction? You’re likely wondering if your bothersome molars are past help now that you’ve more than passed puberty. But we’re here with the truth. Keep reading to learn more. Continue reading →
5 Essentials for Your Child's Oral Health Feb 02, 2024This month — National Children’s Dental Health Month — we’re teaming up with parents to get their kids’ oral health up to snuff. Keep reading to get our experts’ list of essentials for your child’s oral health needs. Continue reading →
Foods That Can Actually Whiten Your TeethJan 09, 2024There’s a lot of talk about what you can’t eat regarding your oral health, but this time, we’re here with good news about foods (and some drinks) that support a bright, white, healthy smile. Continue reading →
How Straighter Teeth Lower Your Risk for CavitiesDec 13, 2023Straight teeth undoubtedly look better than crooked teeth, but they also have a better chance of helping you avoid common oral health issues. Keep reading to learn more about how straight teeth are healthy teeth. Continue reading →
Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth: What are My Options?Nov 13, 2023Are you sick of set-in stains but scared of setting off your sensitive teeth? Our team has what you need to reap all the benefits of professional tooth whitening without causing harm to your teeth. Continue reading →
5 Important Attributes of Special Needs Dental CareOct 02, 2023Dreading the thought of a trip to the dentist with your child who has special needs? You’re not alone, and you aren’t wrong to worry — unless you choose the right provider. Here’s everything you should know about special needs dental care. Continue reading →
How Fluoride Benefits Your Child's TeethSep 01, 2023To use fluoride or not to use fluoride? That’s one of the questions we get most during pediatric dentistry appointments. We know that, for most, the jury’s still out on fluoride for kids, so we’re here with some insight from the experts. Continue reading →
3 Ways to Relieve Dental Anxiety Aug 01, 2023You’ve been told ad nauseam that regular dental checkups are essential to maintaining your oral health — but the very thought of the dentist sends chills down your spine. Here, we give you a few tools to help you face your fears of the dentist head-on. Continue reading →
When to Schedule a Back-to-School Teeth CleaningJul 04, 2023Have you added “dentist appointment” to your child’s back-to-school to-do’s? It’s one of the best ways to help your kids start off on the right foot. Keep reading to find out a few reasons why and when it’s time to schedule a back-to-school cleaning.Continue reading →
Is My Teen Too Young for Invisalign?Jun 02, 2023Considering Invisalign for your teen but wondering if they're too young? It's a valid concern that many parents have when it comes to orthodontic treatment. Here, we answer all your questions and help you make the right choice for your kids. Continue reading →
How Dental Sealants Can Save You MoneyMay 02, 2023Want to protect your teeth (and your wallet) from expensive oral health problems? Look beyond your toothbrush and floss to one of the industry’s most effective secret weapons: dental sealants. Continue reading →
3 Cosmetic Treatments to Whiten Your SmileApr 02, 2023You don't have to be stuck with a stained smile forever — in fact, you have more options than you realize. Keep reading to learn about three ways to take your smile from eye sore to extraordinary. Continue reading →
When to Consider a Tooth Extraction for a Permanent ToothMar 08, 2023Your permanent teeth are supposed to stay in your mouth. But sometimes, you’re better off without them. Keep reading to find out when your tooth should come out rather than stay in. Continue reading →
Why Should My Infant See a Dentist?Feb 02, 2023There’s so much to think about when taking care of a new baby — and you can add bringing them to the dentist to that list. Think it’s too early? Keep reading to find out why sooner is better than later for your baby’s oral health. Continue reading →
3 Reasons to Partner With a Dentist Specializing in Special Needs DentistryJan 19, 2023Your loved one with special needs works with many specialists, from medical doctors to mental health professionals. Don’t stop there. Discover improved oral health care with our dental team, trained and certified to care for special needs patients. Continue reading →
The Benefits of Dental SealantsDec 06, 2022Wishing for an easier way to keep oral health troubles at bay? We’ve got you covered with sealants. Here’s everything you need to know about this simple but effective oral health treatment. Continue reading →
Here’s What You Need to Know About FluorideNov 07, 2022Often referred to as nature’s cavity fighter, fluoride is a quick and easy treatment that can significantly reduce your family’s risk of developing tooth decay. Learn how it works, and find out why it’s so good for your oral health.Continue reading →
How Your Diet Impacts Your Oral HealthOct 07, 2022Sugar can lead to cavities, but it’s not the only dietary factor that affects your teeth. Everything you eat and drink influences your oral health, and vice-versa. Learn about the bidirectional relationship between your diet and oral health here.Continue reading →
Help! My Teeth are YellowSep 06, 2022Ready to trade in your tinted smile for a bright, white one? We’ve got what you need. Read on to learn more about our advanced teeth whitening system and what it can do for you. Continue reading →
A Parent’s Guide to Kids’ Dental CareAug 03, 2022Parenthood inevitably comes with more than a few question marks, especially when it comes to your child’s oral health — and we’re here to answer them. Here’s what you should know about the basics of your child's oral health needs. Continue reading →
What is Root Planing, and Why Do I Need It?Jul 07, 2022You’re no stranger to the dentist’s chair, but root planing may be new to you. That’s why we’re giving you an inside look into root planing — one of the most common dental procedures. Continue reading →
5 Reasons Why Invisalign® Is Still So PopularJun 10, 2022You’ve seen the ads and heard the success stories, but we know you need more than that. Here’s a straight-from-the-expert inside look at why Invisalign® still reigns supreme when it comes to straightening your smile. Continue reading →
What Causes Gum Recession?May 02, 2022You’ve always taken good care of your teeth, but at your last trip to the dentist, you found out that your gums are receding. How could this happen? What does it mean? And how can you restore your gums?Continue reading →
The Facts About Conservative Cosmetic DentistryApr 08, 2022There are many people who express a desire to have a beautiful smile. However, when it comes to discussing cosmetic options, many of them are nervous about the procedures involved.Continue reading →
How Dentists Can Work To Treat Sensitive, Painful TeethMar 07, 2022Sensitive teeth that cause pain when eating certain foods can be challenging to deal with on a regular basis.Continue reading →
What Makes A Dental Brand Trustworthy?Feb 08, 2022Dentists have a great responsibility when caring for people’s teeth – treating diseases, providing prevention treatments, and ensuring long-term care is a top priority for dentists who care about their patient’s health.Continue reading →
How Teledentistry Can Improve Access To Dental CareJan 07, 2022For rural communities, dental care remains a vital necessity, but due to economic and environmental factors, gaining access to this source of care remains highly problematic in today’s healthcare industry.Continue reading →
How Dementia and Alzheimer’s Create Oral Health ProblemsDec 07, 2021Faithfully sticking to your oral hygiene routine will ensure you can maintain great oral health. When you make certain that you are also seeing your dentist twice a year, the results are even better.Continue reading →
The Gingivitis and Black Mold ConnectionNov 07, 2021When our gums are starting to bleed when we brush, are tender, and appear puffy, we may think the answer is more brushing. A little extra time spent on your oral hygiene never hurts in moderation.Continue reading →
Periodontal Disease, Cancer, And Our Whole Body HealthOct 07, 2021Our bodies are a complex and integrated set of systems that is still the focus of intense study. For all that we know, there is still an immense amount that we discover with each passing year.Continue reading →
Cavities May Disappear With New Dental DiscoveriesSep 07, 2021When most of us arrive at our next annual dental appointment, we’re concerned about them finding new cavities. This concern goes beyond simple fears of the pain and expense of having them corrected.Continue reading →
Selecting The Right Eco-Friendly Dental Hygiene ProductsAug 07, 2021The dental industry has a vital role in caring for people’s teeth worldwide, but when it comes to the world itself, being environmentally focused is often neglected.Continue reading →
Top 5 Vitamins and Minerals for Developing Children’s HealthJul 07, 2021Turn on the TV or cruise through family-centric sites or channels on the internet, and you’re going to run into ads telling you your kids need vitamin supplements.Continue reading →
Revealing The Link Between Periodontal Disease and Vitamin DJun 07, 2021A tall frothy glass of milk, plenty of yogurt, and plenty of cheese have been the cornerstone of a diet high in Vitamin D.Continue reading →
Discovering The Link Oral Health Concerns Have With Mental HealthMay 07, 2021If there is one area of health that has been underserved in our country, it’s our mental health.Continue reading →
Dental Health Risks That Occur While Being PregnantApr 07, 2021Of all the health risks that can occur during your pregnancy, the effect it can have on your oral health is often overlooked.Continue reading →
The Importance Of Diet Concerned Our Oral HealthMar 07, 2021Throughout our lives we’ve been chastised about our dietary choices anytime they could pose the slightest risk to our dental health.Continue reading →
How To Be Sure You’re Practicing Sustainable Dental HygieneFeb 07, 2021Plastics have brought a lot of good to our world, providing inexpensive options for durable and effective tools for all sorts of jobs.Continue reading →
Is Your Morning Cup Of Coffee Helping Your Teeth?Jan 27, 2021For years the standing wisdom has been that drinking coffee isn’t the best thing we could do for our teeth.Continue reading →
How Tongue Piercing Affects Your Oral HealthDec 08, 2020Body modification has a long and respectable history, playing important roles in societies throughout the world. Sometimes it’s done as a form of personal expression, religious devotion, or as part of a cultural tradition with its own special meaning. Continue reading →
Three Types Of Dental SedationNov 01, 2020Whether you have a major dental procedure coming up or are one of those who suffer from Dental Phobia, you may be considering dental sedation.Continue reading →
What Is A Habit Appliance And Why Does My Child Need One?Oct 01, 2020Pediatric and family dentists are frequently called on to address concerns parents have about their children’s sucking habits. Sucking is a normal behavior in children and can often be observed in babies still in the womb.Continue reading →
How Flossing Benefits YouSep 01, 2020Every time you stop in to see your dentist, you’re probably being asked if you’re flossing on the regular.Continue reading →
Popular Cosmetic Dental TreatmentsAug 02, 2020Smiles have a profound way of impacting how we interact with one another; smiles can increase likability, change the way others perceive you, and revolutionize the way you view yourself.Continue reading →
Common Flossing MistakesJul 23, 2020Preventative dental care is the best way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. In fat, your daily dental routine is one of the most important preventative measures you can take to protect your oral health.Continue reading →
Invisalign vs Traditional BracesJul 02, 2020When you have teeth that are improperly aligned, it can create a whole collection of problems for you. These can include added risks of cavities, an improper bite, irregular wear and tear on your teeth, just to name a few.Continue reading →
Dental Problems Besides Tooth Decay and Gum DiseaseJun 23, 2020Just about everyone knows what cavities are or has at least heard of them at the very least. In fact, it is common knowledge that brushing your teeth and visiting your dentist’s office regularly are essential parts of preventing cavities from developing.Continue reading →
The Different Types of Tooth ExtractionsJun 01, 2020Many patients don’t expect that nearly three-quarters of all adults have to have a tooth extracted at some point in their lives.Continue reading →
The Most Common Toothbrushing MistakesMay 22, 2020When it comes to keeping your teeth healthy and free from decay, brushing your teeth twice a day is one practice your dentist recommends.Continue reading →
How to Fix Dry MouthApr 29, 2020Saliva plays an important role in your oral health. For starters, saliva works to neutralize the acids produced by bacteria in order to prevent tooth decay.Continue reading →
What is Dental Erosion?Mar 25, 2020Did you know that your tooth enamel is composed of 96% calcium and phosphate molecules arranged in a crystalline pattern?Continue reading →
How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?Feb 19, 2020As a parent, you always want what’s best for your kid. This means helping them to take care of their teeth in the best way possible. However, trying to explain to a child the importance of dental hygiene is not an easy task.Continue reading →
The Benefits of Seeing a Family DentistFeb 01, 2020At a family dentist, children and families come first. When you walk into a family dentistry, the rooms have a calmer, kid-friendly atmosphere that delivers comprehensive dental care with compassion and service.Continue reading →
How is a Root Canal Performed?Jan 30, 2020If you visited your local dentist’s office for tooth pain, your dentist may diagnose you with a pulp infection and recommend a root canal. Continue reading →
Why Regular Dental Visits Are Important?Jan 01, 2020While a dental checkup may not always appear to be the most fun activity to do, having a check-up is important. Having a dental checkup every six months will help you track the health of your teeth,...Continue reading →
3 Reasons to Wear a BiteguardDec 03, 2019Dentists are devoted to providing their patients with the very best dental care in order to preserve their smiles for years to come.Continue reading →
5 Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About the DentistNov 05, 2019Parents want what is best for their children and part of this is providing them with proper dental care so that they establish good dental habits at a young age.Continue reading →
The Top 5 Reasons to Take Your Child to a Pediatric DentistOct 01, 2019Your child is one of the most important things to you and you want to make sure they are provided with the best care.Continue reading →
Why Do We Have Wisdom TeethOct 01, 2018We’ve all heard of them, wisdom teeth, these problematic 4th molars that grow in when we reach a certain age and then have to be removed. The question is, of course, if these teeth almost always have to be removed then why do we even have them?Continue reading →
How Children’s Teeth Erupt and Fall OutOct 01, 2018So you’ve just had a new baby and are enjoying all of the wonderful moments that come with having a child. Of course one of the ‘wonderful moments’ that lay not too far down the line is when they start teething.Continue reading →
When Should My Child See A DentistAug 16, 2018You’ve just had a beautiful new child born and, no doubt, are completely overwhelmed by all the things you have to do to shepherd this fledgling into the world with the greatest chance of success.Continue reading →
Preparing a Healthy BreakfastJul 03, 2018Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and starting the day with a healthy breakfast has many benefits. For starters, it helps to get your metabolism flowing which will burn calories and give you adequate amounts of energy for the rest of the day.Continue reading →
Oral Health and DiabetesJun 07, 2018Did you know that gum disease can actually contribute to diabetes and that diabetes can cause gum disease? Recent research has found a definite link between periodontitis, or gum disease, and type 2 diabetes.Continue reading →
Oral Health and BreastfeedingMay 04, 2018Many women choose to breastfeed because of the various, natural benefits that breastfeeding provides.Continue reading →
Oral Habits for ChildrenApr 19, 2018Once your child is six months of age, their first set of teeth start to appear. By the age of three, they should have a full set of twenty baby teeth.Continue reading →
How To Prepare Your Child For The DentistMar 16, 2018As a child, visiting the dentist can be scary. Most kids hate going to dentist’s office, but they need to do so quite regularly in order to ensure proper health.Continue reading →
How to Teach Children to Care for Their TeethFeb 01, 2018A major part of dental care is prevention. The best way to prevent any sort of decay or oral health problems is through good oral hygiene. And good oral hygiene is best started at a young age.Continue reading →
Preventing Bad BreathJan 01, 2018No one wants to be known as the person with kickin’ breath, but let’s face it: everyone at some point or another will have bad breath.Continue reading →
Truth about grinding, when to intervene (adults and kids)Nov 08, 2017On occasion, we get contacted by parents who are concerned that their children have been grinding their teeth in their sleep.Continue reading →
Here’s Why Dental Care is Important While You’re PregnantOct 01, 2017Pregnancy is an exciting time. You’ve got a new baby on the way, people tend to treat you extra special, and you can eat whatever you want (within reason)!Continue reading →
Keeping cool with drinks this summer!Sep 13, 2017With summer heat at its peak, it’s important that you stay hydrated throughout any activity. Dehydration can lead to fainting, heat stroke, and even death.Continue reading →
Benefits of FlossingAug 01, 2017Recent studies claiming that flossing isn’t as important as dentists say it is have been on the news. However, this small bit of studies complete contradicts solid scientific evidence and thousands of studies that say otherwise.Continue reading →
When Should I Extract Impacted Wisdom Teeth?Jul 01, 2017Impacted wisdom teeth are one of the most common things Dr. Toyer sees in the office.Continue reading →
Healthy Snacks for KidsJun 01, 2017As a parent, your goal is to keep your child healthy. For all children, good health starts with good oral health. Many of today’s most common adult diseases can be traced back to poor oral health.Continue reading →
Strengthen your Child’s Teeth Through a Healthy DietSep 05, 2014Children with healthy teeth are more likely to grow into adults with healthy smiles. Your child’s diet not only affects their overall health, but their oral health as well.Continue reading →
What is With this Bad Breath?Sep 04, 2014For those of you who have felt the embarrassment of halitosis (bad breath), you know that it is something that it can alter the way you speak, affect your self-confidence and even affect your relationships.Continue reading →
Preventing Dental Injuries During your Child’s Active SummerJun 19, 2014If you have an extremely active child you may have seen one or two falls in their day.Continue reading →
Bottled Water Vs. Tap WaterMay 23, 2014Staying well hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your oral and overall health. Although bottled water is commonly perceived as being the “cleaner” alternative to tap, it is missing one vital component, fluoride.Continue reading →